Ayman's Place
I'm a Software Developer from, and living in Bahrain.
I've been programming for fun since the 1980's, and professionally since the 1990's.
In the 1980s, I done coding in BASIC on MSX Sakhr, Programmable Calclators, and Commodore C-64. On the C-64 I had fun working with Assmbler too
In college we did FORTRAN, then C and C++. I also worked with VisualBASIC, and Pascal, then Delphi.
In the mid 1990s, I did lots of coding and database designs with PL/SQL, and mostly Oracle Forms. At that time, creating a GUI was not easy. Options were limited to VisualBASIC. Delphi and the enterprisy Oracle Forms.
I did my Masters degree in early 2000s and we used lots of Java for that.
After that, I've worked with C/C++, COBOL, some HP NSK propietary programming Languages.
Nowadays, I do lots of coding in Java, Groovy, C/C++, Python, Go, JavaScript and others.
You may notice one thing missing. PHP. I have touched it long time ago and absolutely hated it. PHP has "wierd" syntax. I didn't like the use of $ for variable names, and the -> to access properties and methods. The many built-in functions that are scattered and non-standard was also another annoyance. I did few webapps, but not in PHP.
Here, I'll share my journey with PHP and other general thoughts.
Wecome aboard!